Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Relate Jersey

Membership Number: AJC73 / Registered Charity Number: 066

We have a team of four qualified counsellors and psycho-sexual therapists who work with adult couples or individuals regardless of sexual orientation, providing a professional and confidential service. We aim to help people through difficult stages in their relationships and explore emotional and sexual difficulties that can arise in the life of and at the end of relationships. Relate provides people with the breathing space, where they can feel heard and understood and we can help people cope with the pain and difficulties they are experiencing. 

To continue to provide our services, we rely on a grant from the States, some Parishes grants and client contributions. Any shortfall in income needs to be made up through fund raising events and individual donations. 

For further details on our relationship counselling and psychosexual therapy services, or to find out if you qualify for funded sessions through the National Contracts we hold, please visit our website.

2 Charles House
Charles Street
St Helier

t: 01534 734980

Centre Manager: Amanda