Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


How do we apply for a grant from the Association?

1. Our online application system is now available. Before starting your application, please review the 'essential reading' below. You can download these documents and print to read.

2. Essential reading

3. Using the application system

  • You need to register on the system as a user before you can make an application. You can do this at any time on the portal:
  • Once you get an email to say registration is complete, you can log in to the system and set a password, and make an application.
  • Please read the on screen instructions and help boxes - particularly on the first application screen where you are asked to "save" your application before you answer any of the questions.
  • If you want a small grant, you should apply by letter, and not on the new system. A small grant is for £5.000 and below, and available to charities with no paid staff – download and print the small grant template letter here.
  • If you are having difficulties, contact She will forward your request to someone who can help you.
  • You can save your application at any time and return to it, so don’t panic! We are here to help you!

4. Meeting dates - see here

5. Publicising  Your Grant Award