Every Child Our Future (ECOF)
Membership Number: AJC466 / Registered Charity Number: 210
Reading and Maths are the foundations of children's learning, they need to master these to thrive and maximise their opportunities.
Evidence shows the lack of these basic skills has a negative impact on children’s life chances unless they receive help at an early stage.
Children with low literacy levels may suffer low self-esteem, may become disengaged and have poor attendance at school.
Poor readers are more likely to find employment challenging later on.
In partnership with Children Young People Education and Skills, we deliver:
Reading Recovery programme run by specialist teacher
Trained volunteers who read and share books with children
Trained volunteers who support children with their numeracy
Trained volunteers who support children in a pre-school settings.
Our volunteers commit to giving one or two hours to support children on a one-to-one basis. All volunteers undergo specialised training before they start and will need to complete a child workforce Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check.
D'Auvergne Primary School
La Pouquelaye
St Helier
JE2 3 GF
t: 07797 791 623
e: info@everychild.org.je
w: http://www.everychildourfuture.org
CEO: Cris Lakeman
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