Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Hands Around the World Charitable Trust (Jersey)

Membership Number: AJC309 / Registered Charity Number: 009

The charity seeks to help vulnerable children around the world, encouraging enthusiastic and well-prepared short-term volunteers to offer practical help, skill-sharing, support and friendship.

HANDS AROUND THE WORLD JERSEY now has active links with four communities: Bugarama, Rwanda, where we are assisting Muko and Mihabura secondary schools by building and refurbishing classrooms Mnukwa, where we have been assisting with the establishment of a vocational training centre. Zumbo, Uganda, where we have built classrooms for a Primary School and a children's ward for a Rural Health Centre Athi, Kenya, where we are supporting a centre for handicapped children. HANDS AROUND THE WORLD was founded in 1994 by Dr. David Steiner, who for many years lived and worked as a doctor in general practice in Jersey. He became involved with the States of Jersey Overseas Aid Programme and became increasingly concerned for people in developing countries. Following a year with his family working in a rural hospital in Zambia, David and Lynda returned to England where they established the organisation. Jersey Hands Around the World provides a network for past team members, present sponsors and future volunteers to keep supporting the work of the charity.

Volunteer Commitment

In the build up to a project visit we will have at least three orientation sessions to prepare volunteers for the experience of living and working in Africa.

We will also have a fundraising target and will organise a series of events in the months prior to our departure.We will spend three weeks on the visit and this will include a couple of days towards the end with an opportunity to relax and maybe visit a Game Park

Le Mont Felard
St Lawrence

t: 01534 861796

Chairman/Treasurer: Mike Haden