Hands Around the World Charitable Trust (Jersey)
Membership Number: AJC309 / Registered Charity Number: 009
HANDS AROUND THE WORLD JERSEY now has active links with four communities: Bugarama, Rwanda, where we are assisting Muko and Mihabura secondary schools by building and refurbishing classrooms Mnukwa, where we have been assisting with the establishment of a vocational training centre. Zumbo, Uganda, where we have built classrooms for a Primary School and a children's ward for a Rural Health Centre Athi, Kenya, where we are supporting a centre for handicapped children. HANDS AROUND THE WORLD was founded in 1994 by Dr. David Steiner, who for many years lived and worked as a doctor in general practice in Jersey. He became involved with the States of Jersey Overseas Aid Programme and became increasingly concerned for people in developing countries. Following a year with his family working in a rural hospital in Zambia, David and Lynda returned to England where they established the organisation. Jersey Hands Around the World provides a network for past team members, present sponsors and future volunteers to keep supporting the work of the charity.
Volunteer Commitment
We will also have a fundraising target and will organise a series of events in the months prior to our departure.We will spend three weeks on the visit and this will include a couple of days towards the end with an opportunity to relax and maybe visit a Game Park
Le Mont Felard
St Lawrence
t: 01534 861796
e: hatwjersey@gmail.com
w: http://www.hatwj.org.uk
Chairman/Treasurer: Mike Haden
Make a Donation
If you would like to donate money to Hands Around the World Charitable Trust (Jersey) please select an amount below.
If you are a Jersey tax payer, and your donation is for £50 or more, you can claim an extra 25% for your chosen charity. Click here for instructions on how to do this.
All donations are anonymous and securely handled for The Association of Jersey Charities by Paypal. Please contact the administrator if you would like to inform the charity of your identity or if you have any additional questions.