Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Lions Club of Jersey

Membership Number: AJC24 / Registered Charity Number: 352

Lions Club of Jersey

The Lions Club of Jersey is one of the thousands of Lions Clubs situated all over the world, known collectively as "Lions International". it is the largest service organisation in the world. There are over 30 members in the Lions Club of Jersey of differing ages and professions. The club was sponsored by the Lions Club of Southampton and St Malo and was chartered in 1963.
The Lions prime call is to serve and help the local community and to participate in Lions International projects at the club's discretion. Committee and Dinner Meetings are held regularly in order to discuss and debate the various requests for help and action needed in raising both large and small sums of money from various organisations and individuals.

Le Rondin Farm
La Charriere
St Mary

t: 484314

Secretary: Eric Bertrand