Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Jersey Asthma & Respiratory Society

Membership Number: AJC221 / Registered Charity Number: 266

The Jersey Asthma and Respiratory Society was formed in 1985 to provide support for adults and children in Jersey who suffer from asthma and other respiratory conditions. We are a small charity working hard to raise funds, and awareness of asthma and respiratory conditions, to be able to offer support in as many ways as possible. Monies received from grants, donations and fundraising events we hold are used to:-

To promote Asthma awareness; to give support, advice and information to asthma sufferers and their families.
Fund Asthma & Respiratory Information Mornings - a free clinic at the Lido Medical Centre every Saturday morning where adults and children can receive help and advice from trained nursing staff on a one to one basis about asthma or any respiratory condition.
Allow members of nursing staff to attend training courses to enable them to improve their knowledge of respiratory conditions and the management and treatment thereof.
Purchase many different items of equipment for children in Robin Ward and adults in the General Hospital who suffer from a wide range of respiratory conditions, for which demand continually increases.
Help individual suffers either financially or with equipment

From Saturday 1st October 2016 these sessions will be held every Saturday morning from 9.00 till 12.00 at: Bon Sante Consulting Rooms, Suite 3.5, Third Floor, Lido Medical Centre, St. Saviour's Road (free parking and lift access)

The Asthma and Respiratory Information Morning is an opportunity for people of any age with asthma or respiratory problems to learn more about their condition on a one to one basis by talking to one of a team of qualified staff.

This is a free service funded by the Jersey Asthma & Respiratory Society supported by Health & Social Services

Appointments are not necessary but advisable to avoid delay in seeing one of the team. Tel: 444032 Monday to Friday

Volunteer Commitment

However much time you could spare, we are always grateful for any support we receive.

11 Apartments de Ville
La Pouquelaye
St Helier

t: 01534 499774 evenings

Chairperson: Elaine Maton