Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


Knights of St Columba

Membership Number: AJC2 / Registered Charity Number: 131

Founded in Glasgow in 1919, the Knights of St Columba is an Order of Catholic men bonded together in Charity, Unity and Fraternity to serve the Church and their fellow beings. They believe they do this best by labouring actively towards the establishment of Christian standards in the world today and serving others.

Organised in Councils (there is one in Jersey) each local council chooses the means suitable to its own locality, capabilities and resources to achieve its aims. We are also affiliated to similar organisations in the English speaking world.

Locally, we assist with the Catholic Clergy and liaise with other Christian organisations i.e. setting up many of the outside Christmas cribs etc. We assist with fund raising activities at many school fetes, church fairs and bazaars, sponsored walks etc., as well as being involved with selected overseas aid projects. Individually most members are, amongst other duties, actively engaged in the mission of the Catholic Church as Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers, visitors to the sick, and the Apostleship of the Sea

Flat 3
82 Halkett Place
St Helier

t: 07797 736915

Grand Knight: Mr Jonothan Higgins