Jersey Charities

L'Associâtion des Charités d' Jèrri


NSPCC Jersey

Membership Number: AJC179 / Registered Charity Number: 384

NSPCC Jersey

NSPCC Jersey Service Centre,

The NSPCC Jersey Service Centre is an island-wide service that provides vital support to local families. We are based at The Gower Centre in Stopford Road, St Helier.

We are delivering cutting edge services to protect children, prevent abuse and give children the help and support they need. We believe in a society where every child is happy, fulfilled and free from fear.

For more information, please contact the NSPCC in Jersey on (01534) 760800 / Freephone: 0800 090 2270 or email

You can also visit us on Facebook

Services on Offer:

Therapeutic service
Letting The Future In (LTFI) is a therapeutic service for children and young people age 4 to 17, who have made a disclosure of sexual abuse. Many children and young people feel confused and upset by what has happened to them, so a wide range of approaches are used by the workers at the one to one sessions including talking, play and creative activities which gives children and young people an opportunity to explain how they are feeling. The service is designed to work with children, young people and the safe parent and or carer.

Preventative service - transition to parenthood
Pregnancy in Mind (PiM) is designed to support mums and dads to-be who are at risk of, or experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and depression in the perinatal period. The programme aims to minimise the impact of anxiety and depression directly on parents themselves, and in this way support them in building a positive relationship with their unborn babies. The eight group work sessions cover: mindfulness mediation; active relaxation; psycho-education and coping skills; social support; awareness-raising of foetal development; couple and co-parenting relationship

Seeking Solutions offers children and young people, between 7 and 18 years old, help and support to deal with problems that are affecting their life, happiness or wellbeing. The service is led by the young person, working alongside their support network, where possible, to improve their confidence, skills ad strengths, so they are better prepared to cope with any future problems. Seeking Solutions helps the child or young person to set their own goal(s) for the future.

Childline Schools Service
We’ve launched our Speak out Stay safe programme so that a generation of children have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse and neglect. With the help of our mascot Buddy, the programme provides child-friendly, interactive assemblies and workshops in all Channel Island primary schools, to help all children aged 4 - 11 learn essential safeguarding information in a lively, interactive and memorable way.

Volunteer Commitment


Gower Centre
Stopford Road
St Helier

t: 01534 733310

Treasurer: Paul Declat